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Navigating Life's Pathways with Soulful Insights: Interview with Millena

mindset podcast Jan 17, 2024

Have you ever found yourself setting ambitious goals, only to realize that your current capacity can't accommodate the success you desire?


Many high-achieving women often express their desire for abundance, yet struggle with a common theme—their energetic alignment and strategic capacity aren't in sync. They may be unknowingly blocking the very success they seek. 


Imagine declaring your goals to the universe but lacking the time or energetic space to receive the abundance you desire. It's like buying new furniture to put into your living but not clearing out the old first. The disconnection between your desires and your capacity creates a significant roadblock in the way of your goals. The solution lies in aligning your energy and strategic approach to ensure you're not sending mixed signals to the universe.


In today’s episode, I’m joined by Millena, who’s not just our brand new community manager; she's a catalyst for exciting...

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Are you surrounded by battery chargers or battery drainers? (And how this can be blocking your goals!)

Rise with Rebekah
Are you surrounded by battery chargers or battery drainers? (And how this can be blocking your goals!)


Hey Soul Family!  In today's solo episode, we discuss:

  • The scientific reason you want to surround yourself with battery chargers (according to quantum physics)
  • How to identify the battery drainers and chargers in your life
  • How the drainers can actually be blocking you from your goals (and what to do about it)
  • Why this may be the very thing that is keeping you stuck

This is truly the biggest shift I made to help me get where I am today.  I also include a journal prompt to help you with ideas on how to get back on track.  

As always, thank you so much for being here.  If you found value in this episode, I would love to hear what that is so I can keep the good stuff coming!  Share with me your biggest takeaway on IG and I'll feature you in my stories. :)

Connect with me on IG: here.


Your Soul Sister


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Energy, Shamanism, Purpose & how to know if you're in "The Void"? | Interview with Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman

Rise with Rebekah
Energy, Shamanism, Purpose & how to know if you're in "The Void"? | Interview with Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman

Today, I have my mentor and Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman on the show and I KNOW you are going to be blown away by this conversation! Makhosi is an authentic African Shaman who has built her 7 figure Spiritual Empire from a place of flow, fulfillment & authenticity and she's an amazing example for others of how to do the same!

In today's episode, I have Makhosi AKA The Royal Shaman on the podcast and we discuss the following:

  • What is a Shaman and how they can help you deepen your connection to Spirit?
  • What is "The Void" and how do you navigate it? (Also...how do you recognize that you're even in a Void)
  • What to do when having "all of the things" still isn't enough Why surrendering to your Soul's desires is vital to reach true Alignment in your life
  • How to create your own Revolutionary Legacy in this lifetime
  • Why uncovering your Dharma is the key to prosperity Why being Spiritual & Rich AF is OKAY

To speed up your manifestations and unlock your Portal to...

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Why your triggers can be your greatest gift


You're listening to the Elevate U with Rebekah podcast, I am so happy you're here because that means that you are about to start elevating your life in ways you never imagined. I am your host, Rebekah Kiger. I'm a mastermind set and high performance coach, as well as a financial advisor of over a decade. I've been studying the differences between successful and unsuccessful people for all these years. And I'm going to be diving into all of the things on this journey together. This podcast is a combination of mindset, spirituality, strategy and encouragement that will have you reaching new heights in no time. If you're looking to elevate your finances, relationships, mindset and health, then this podcast is for you. I'm going to show you all the ways to master your mind so you can create the life that you desire. Because once you learn how to do that, truly Anything is possible for you.

Hey, guys, welcome back to the Elevate U with Rebekah Podcast. I am so excited to be here. Because...

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Part 2 of my story - Overcoming adversity, setting 6 figure monthly goals and where I am today


You're listening to the Elevate U with Rebekah Podcast. I am so happy you're here because that means that you are about to start elevating your life in ways you never imagined. I am your host, Rebekah Kiger. I'm a mastermind set and high performance coach, as well as a financial advisor of over a decade. I've been studying the differences between successful and unsuccessful people for all these years. And I'm going to be diving into all of the things on this journey together. This podcast is a combination of mindset, spirituality, strategy and encouragement that will have you reaching new heights in no time. If you're looking to elevate your finances, relationships, mindset and health, then this podcast is for you. I'm going to show you all the ways to master your mind so you can create the life that you desire. Because once you learn how to do that, truly Anything is possible for you. Hey there, and welcome back to episode number two of the elevate you podcast. Today, we are going...

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4 tips to LEVEL UP your productivity in tough times


Are you struggling to be as productive as you’d like right now? Are you having a hard time organizing your activities and figuring out exactly what you need to be doing to move the needle forward in your life?

In this video you'll learn the EXACT 4 steps that have helped me to go from a broke, struggling single mother to a successful entrepreneur living a life that I have designed.

  • “Make the commitment to yourself that you're going to get better everyday.”
  • Learn how to get clear on the ACTION STEPS you need to take in order to get to the next level with your productivity!
  • If you’ve struggled with not being as productive as you know you can be, this episode is for you. Follow these tips so you can finally reach the potential you KNOW deep down is available for you.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.

If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE for weekly tips to help you LEVEL UP the areas of life that are most important to you.

Make sure to connect...

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If you want to find success, DO THIS



  • “Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem.  We all have 24 hour days.”
  • Learn how to get clear on the ACTION STEPS you need to take in order to get to the next level in life!
  • If you’ve struggled with feeling stuck and not sure which direction to go next, this episode is for you. Follow these tips so you can finally reach the potential you KNOW deep down is available for you.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.

If you're ready to LEVEL UP your life connect with me on social!

FB: LEVEL UP with Rebekah

Insta: Rebekah_kiger

YouTube: LEVEL UP with Rebekah

To book a FREE ($297 value) strategy session with me: click here.


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