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Energy, Shamanism, Purpose & how to know if you're in "The Void"? | Interview with Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman

Rise with Rebekah
Energy, Shamanism, Purpose & how to know if you're in "The Void"? | Interview with Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman

Today, I have my mentor and Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman on the show and I KNOW you are going to be blown away by this conversation! Makhosi is an authentic African Shaman who has built her 7 figure Spiritual Empire from a place of flow, fulfillment & authenticity and she's an amazing example for others of how to do the same!

In today's episode, I have Makhosi AKA The Royal Shaman on the podcast and we discuss the following:

  • What is a Shaman and how they can help you deepen your connection to Spirit?
  • What is "The Void" and how do you navigate it? (Also...how do you recognize that you're even in a Void)
  • What to do when having "all of the things" still isn't enough Why surrendering to your Soul's desires is vital to reach true Alignment in your life
  • How to create your own Revolutionary Legacy in this lifetime
  • Why uncovering your Dharma is the key to prosperity Why being Spiritual & Rich AF is OKAY

To speed up your manifestations and unlock your Portal to Prosperity, check out my brand new Rise to Riches Bundle here.

To connect with Makhosi on IG: click here.

To connect with Rebekah on IG: click here.


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