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Energy, Shamanism, Purpose & how to know if you're in "The Void"? | Interview with Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman

Rise with Rebekah
Energy, Shamanism, Purpose & how to know if you're in "The Void"? | Interview with Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman

Today, I have my mentor and Shaman Makhosi Nejeser AKA The Royal Shaman on the show and I KNOW you are going to be blown away by this conversation! Makhosi is an authentic African Shaman who has built her 7 figure Spiritual Empire from a place of flow, fulfillment & authenticity and she's an amazing example for others of how to do the same!

In today's episode, I have Makhosi AKA The Royal Shaman on the podcast and we discuss the following:

  • What is a Shaman and how they can help you deepen your connection to Spirit?
  • What is "The Void" and how do you navigate it? (Also...how do you recognize that you're even in a Void)
  • What to do when having "all of the things" still isn't enough Why surrendering to your Soul's desires is vital to reach true Alignment in your life
  • How to create your own Revolutionary Legacy in this lifetime
  • Why uncovering your Dharma is the key to prosperity Why being Spiritual & Rich AF is OKAY

To speed up your manifestations and unlock your Portal to...

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I'm rebranding!!! What the heck is a Soul Powered Portal & why is the name changing NOW?

Rise with Rebekah
I'm rebranding!!! What the heck is a Soul Powered Portal & why is the name changing NOW?

I'm rebranding!!!  In this episode, you will learn exactly what the heck a Soul Powered Portal is and why you would want to enter this portal in your own life!  To give you a quick summary, The Soul Powered Portal is an entry way into living a life fueled by your Soul so that you can unlock all of the abundance, wealth, power, joy, connection, depth and relationships that you desire!  When you access this Soul Power, there is nothing that can stand in the way of living your dream life.  Buckle up, this is going to be an amazing ride!!!

2:38 The story about the name change

4:57 The goal of this podcast

XOXO, Rebekah

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How to launch your business in the MOST aligned way with Ken Westgaard

Rise with Rebekah
How to launch your business in the MOST aligned way with Ken Westgaard

Meet Ken Westgaard, launch strategist helping online coaches design their own energetically aligned business launches so they can get more sales.  For all of you entrepreneurs who feel exhausted and out of alignment with all of the "bro marketing" you have been taught in the past, be sure to tune in to learn from Ken how to align your launch with your energy so that you can attract your ideal clients with ease, grace and flow. 

What you'll learn:

2:50 Rapid fire questions for Ken

9:50 Who is Ken Westgaard and what he does

11:40 Energy beyond the launch and how to still take care of yourself

19:21 Misconceptions entrepreneurs have when it comes to launching

22:30 What human design is and how it affected Ken 

30:23 Tips for someone entering into a launch

42:10 Ken's plans for his business

As always, we love to hear your feedback!  Please connect with us on social and share with us your biggest takeaways:

Connect with Ken here.

Connect with Rebekah ...

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How to break through societal standard to create the most purposeful life | Interview with SharRon Jamison

Rise with Rebekah
How to break through societal standard to create the most purposeful life | Interview with SharRon Jamison


HOLY SMOKES you guys!!  This episode with SharRon Jamison has left me mind blown!!  When I first heard SharRon on the Manifestation Babe Podcast about 6 months ago, I listened on the edge of my seat and got full body chills throughout the episode!  I knew then that I wanted to have her on the show, and here we are.  In today's conversation, we discuss how to discover and discern your purpose and how to not allow society to define you!  SharRon shares how to not let the P.E.S.T.S. in your life get in the way of achieving what God has in store for your life.  SharRon is a transformational & leadership coach who primarily works with WOC, but has SO MUCH VALUE to add to all women!  If you are a woman who wants to create more out of life and step more into your purpose, then this episode is your for.  

What you'll learn:

 1:35 Rapid fire questions for SharRon

4:01 "Faith needs feet"

6:42 A little bit about SharRon

9:50 "I...

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How to embody the Highest Version of you BEFORE you even get there | Interview with Cally Falconer

Rise with Rebekah
How to embody the Highest Version of you BEFORE you even get there | Interview with Cally Falconer


You guys!!

In this episode, you will meet my dear friend Cally who shares so beautifully with us how she began embodying the Highest Version of herself...way before she ever started seeing success!  For those you know me, you know I talk about the importance of this ALL THE TIME.  In order to manifest things into your reality, you must first BECOME the type of person who achieves those goals... well before they can come to life.  This takes patience, faith and trust in the Universe and most people give up after not seeing immediate success.  Cally has embraced this concept so beautifully and she shares with you exactly how to do the same! If you're struggling to see the income, impact and progress in your life and business, this episode is for you!

What you'll learn:

  • 3:18 Rapid fire questions for Cally
  • 13:27 Cally's mission in this world
  • 21:19 Cally's pivotal moment to start creating change to her life
  • 25:10 The limiting beliefs and emotions Cally...
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How to become magnetic to your desires in life | Interview with Kim Mellor

Rise with Rebekah
How to become magnetic to your desires in life | Interview with Kim Mellor

You guys!  I am so excited to introduce you to my special guest today Kim Mellor.  Kim is coming to us all the way from the other side of the world (literally) in BALI!  We are exactly 12 hours apart here in Pittsburgh and she was up bright and early to share her heart and wisdom with us and I know you will find so much value from this conversation.  


In this episode, Kim shares her story of how she went from struggling, lost and unsure of her purpose on this earth to picking up and moving to Bali and now getting to live a life that existed only in her dreams!  She was able to turn her dream life into a reality and is here to share with you the biggest ways she was able to make that happen so that you can turn your dreams into a reality as well.

I know you will find so much value from Kim today, and when you do...I would encourage you to screenshot this episode and tag us both on IG and share your biggest takeaways! @rebekah_kiger @kimmellor_


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How to use Self-Love to create magnetizing confidence | Interview with Victoria Kleinsman

Hey guys, and welcome back to another episode of The Elevate you with Rebekah Podcast. I am so excited because I have my very first guest of the podcast on today. And it is no coincidence that it is one of my best friends. My soul sister, we call each other cosmic copilots. We know we have met in other lifetimes and we are just so connected. And we met in a crazy way which only God could have made happen and so do we know we were meant to be in each other's lives. So in today's episode, Victoria Kleinsman is going to share with you guys how to use body confidence, self love, and food freedom to elevate your life in the areas of relationships, finances and more. You will want to stay tuned because we dive into all of the things she gives real tangible tips for you to use to show up more confidently in your life and with others in your relationships and with clients in sales settings in all of the things so you'll definitely want to stay tuned. Let's dive right in.


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How to use hypnotherapy to master your mind with Johnny Jameson


All right. Hello, hello, and welcome back you guys to another episode of The Elevate U with Rebekah Podcast. I have a very special guest on here today, my friend Johnny, and he is going to be talking about some amazing topics today in helping to reprogram the unconscious mind, which you guys know, is a huge topic of conversation on this podcast. So welcome. Welcome, Johnny, how are you? I'm very well, thank you. Thank you for having me on. How are you? I'm doing great. I'm doing great. I know that Johnny is a new father. And he's got a lot going on in his own business as well. So I just really appreciate your time and you coming on and taking time out of your busy schedule to come on here and add value to our listeners, I know that they're going to get so much value from this podcast. So thank you.

You're welcome. Thank you for having me on. It's an absolute pleasure.

Of course, of course. So guys, Johnny is a master hypnotist and a positive psychologist. And his story is amazing. I...

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Why your triggers can be your greatest gift


You're listening to the Elevate U with Rebekah podcast, I am so happy you're here because that means that you are about to start elevating your life in ways you never imagined. I am your host, Rebekah Kiger. I'm a mastermind set and high performance coach, as well as a financial advisor of over a decade. I've been studying the differences between successful and unsuccessful people for all these years. And I'm going to be diving into all of the things on this journey together. This podcast is a combination of mindset, spirituality, strategy and encouragement that will have you reaching new heights in no time. If you're looking to elevate your finances, relationships, mindset and health, then this podcast is for you. I'm going to show you all the ways to master your mind so you can create the life that you desire. Because once you learn how to do that, truly Anything is possible for you.

Hey, guys, welcome back to the Elevate U with Rebekah Podcast. I am so excited to be here. Because...

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Why some people achieve lasting success & others don't


You're listening to the Elevate U with Rebekah Podcast, I am so happy you're here because that means that you are about to start elevating your life in ways you never imagined. I am your host, Rebekah Kiger. I'm a mastermind set and high performance coach, as well as a financial advisor of over a decade. I've been studying the differences between successful and unsuccessful people for all these years. And I'm going to be diving into all of the things on this journey together. This podcast is a combination of mindset, spirituality, strategy, and encouragement that will have you reaching new heights in no time. If you're looking to elevate your finances, relationships, mindset and health, then this podcast is for you. I'm going to show you all the ways to master your mind so you can create the life that you desire. Because once you learn how to do that, truly Anything is possible for you.

Hello, and welcome back to another episode of The Elevate U Podcast. I'm your host, Rebekah...

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