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Soul Connections: Exploring Authentic Bonds with Victoria Kleinsman

Have you ever experienced a deep, transformative friendship that completely changed your perspective on relationships?

Many of us have been conditioned to view friendships with suspicion, competition, and jealousy, rather than as sources of support, growth, and joy. We often compare ourselves to others, feeling inadequate or threatened by their success or beauty.

But what if I told you that there's another way? What if you could experience a friendship that goes beyond comparison and competition, where vulnerability and authenticity lead to deep connection and celebration?

Join me and my bestfriend Victoria as we share our journey of overcoming jealousy, comparison, and people-pleasing tendencies to cultivate a friendship built on love, support, and genuine celebration of each other's wins.

In this episode you’ll learn:

The power of vulnerability and authenticity in cultivating deep, transformative friendships.

How overcoming jealousy and comparison can lead to genuine...

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Why it's important to CLEANSE your energy in order to manifest your financial desires (and exciting announcement!)

Hey Rebel Queen! I am excited to bring another Rebel Queen Channel LIVE to you this week! In this episode, we discuss:

  • Energy is everything
  • Most people do not practice energetic hygiene! It’s crazy to me
  • Letting anyone and any circumstance have access to you can drain your energy
  • You attract in life what you ARE an energetic match to
  • If you haven’t cleared out energy from the past - you’re not going to have room for what you want to bring in the future
  • Stagnant energy creates stagnant results
  • If you want to know if you need to clear your energy, take a look at your current circumstances
  • If you are stuck and feeling like you’re at a plateau, it’s time to cleanse and make room



To send me a DM on IG to let me know how this episode impacted you, click: HERE.


**NEW: To learn how to gain access to the ENITRE Rise to Riches Bundle for FREE, click: HERE.


See you next time.



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Recession, WHO? 3 Tangible Tips to continue building momentum in your business (despite the noise)

Hey Soul Sister! I am so excited to be sharing this brand new series I'm hosting inside of The Rebel Queen FB community each week - and I'll be sharing them here on the pod, too! Today's episode is all about creating the new wealth paradigm that is designed to bring wealth back into the hands of women who will use it for good (YOU). Today we discuss:

  • The 3 tangible tips to use to continue to build momentum in your business DESPITE all of the noise
  • How to combat the constant fear that is shoved down our throats from the mainstream media
  • Why it's important to understand that it's times like these that leaders are born
  • Why it's important for you to lead your tribe during these uncertain times
  • Why more millionaires are created in times like these historically than ever before
  • How to establish energetic boundaries so that you can create what you WANT in the world, and not what you don't want
  • How to stop FOCUSING on the negative
  • BONUS tip (this will change your life alone)



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Aligned AF Day 1: How to actually recognize and release what's no longer serving you to have your BEST YEAR YET

Soul Sister, I am SOO EXCITED to share this 4 part series with you!  Because of the amazing feedback I received on my most recent live event called The Aligned AF Workshop, I decided to share the recordings on the pod.  This event was designed to help you create MSSSIVE & MAGICAL MOMENTUM to make 2023 your BEST YEAR yet.  *PLEASE NOTE: THERE ARE SEVERAL CLOSED EYE PROCESSES THROUGHOUT THIS SERIES.  USE CAUTION AND DO NOT PERFORM THESE EXERCISES WHILE DRIVING OR DOING ANY OTHER TASKS THAT WOULD PUT YOU IN DANGER.*

Today, we discuss:

  • Housekeeping items for the series
  • Why it's important to release the energies that do not serve you
  • EXERCISE: How to recognize the energies you do not wish to bring into 2023 
  • EXERCISE: Releasing these energies to make room for what you actually WANT in 2023

If you want to partake in the PowerPoint presentation and re-watch the modules, you can do so until 12/31 inside of The Soul Powered Portal FB group by clicking HERE.

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How to hold onto faith when it looks like nothing is working...

Hey Soul Sis, I am so excited to dive into today's episode with you!  If you are struggling to see the progress you desire in a specific area of life and as a result, are having a hard time holding onto faith - then this episode is for you.  In this episode, we discuss:

  • When doing "all of the things" isn't enough and you're getting frustrated
  • What to do when you start questioning whether your goals are even possible for you 
  • How to tell yourself a different story when your current one isn't serving you
  • What faith ACTUALLY is (it's not what you think)
  • What most people are doing wrong in this process and how to manifest the PROPER way
  • How to catch yourself when you start to spiral down a low vibe path
  • Discover if you're in the "Curse of The Coach" spiral (credit to  James Wedmore for helping me notice this pattern)
  • How to speed up the momentum to a completing different life
  • My #1 advice to you if you are stuck in this cycle
  • How to stop pushing away the things you...
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Why REST is crucial for receiving $?

Hey Soul Sister!  I am soooo excited to introduce this new series on the pod called "Money Mondays"!  This series is intended to be a little different than our normal episodes, these will be shorter and jammed packed with high vibe info to give you ONE tangible tip you can start using TODAY to begin magnetizing more of that money into your life!  Today, we will be discussing:

  • What happens when you begin to believe that you CAN rest and still receive
  • How rest can help you activate Divine Feminine Receptivity, Guidance of the Universe, and Recovery
  • How to determine which of your bodies is calling for you to rest
  • How to actually figure out what is ONE thing you can do today.


I can't wait to see what goals you achieve as a result of this new series.  It's going to be EPIC so be sure to tune in weekly for more tips.

To connect with me on IG, click HERE.



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How to set your vibrational set point for the day


Hey Soul Sister!  I am soooo excited to introduce this new series on the pod called "Money Mondays"!  This series is intended to be a little different than our normal episodes, these will be shorter and jammed packed with high vibe info to give you ONE tangible tip you can start using TODAY to begin magnetizing more of that money into your life!  Today, we will be discussing:

  • How to set your energetic set point for the day so that you can actually magnetize your desires
  • Why it's important to set your vibrational set point on HIGH and what most people do instead
  • Tangible tips to begin manifesting more of your desires
  • A process you can start using TODAY to help you bring one of your desires to reality asap

I can't wait to see what goals you achieve as a result of this new series.  It's going to be EPIC so be sure to tune in weekly for more tips.

To connect with me on IG, click HERE.





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How to Quantum Leap your finances using this hidden key


Hey Sister!  Welcome to The Soul Powered Portal, I am sooo excited to dive into today's episode with you!  Today we discuss:

  • Tangible tips for quantum leaping into The Wildly Wealthy Woman
  • Why stepping more into “This” energy is key to unlocking this leap
  • Why authenticity is a vital role in this process and plays a huge part in your energetic magnetism
  • Why it’s important to get clear on your internal desires and how this helps you embody the wildly wealthy woman
  • How to escape the societal program that has been keeping you stuck
  • How you may be blocking a quantum leap and not even realizing it
  • How to shift your energetic timeline to where you want it to go
  • Why learning this information NOW, can save you from a ton of headache later

 To connect with me on IG, click HERE.






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Are you blocking abundance by not using THIS system?

Hey Soul Family!

In today's episode, we discuss:

  • Why you may be confused as to the right steps to take next
  • Why society wants to keep us from becoming our own guru
  • Why "you create your own reality" isn't the full story
  • How to take your power back and to
  • Why trying to use a cookie cutter approach is not going to help you reach your goals
  • An example of how I didn't listen to my inner guidance and it turned out poorly!
  • How you may be blocking your blessings by not becoming your own guru
  • Why trying to fix into societies box causes stress & anxiety
  • Why it's important to tap into your Soul Power FIRST before going to other people for advice
  • Complete a powerful practice so you can try this at home!





To connect with me on IG: click here.

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How to use this ancient Hawaiian energy practice to connect with your Higher Self and re-write your story with Alicia Okobi

Rise with Rebekah
How to use this ancient Hawaiian energy practice to connect with your Higher Self and re-write your story with Alicia Okobi

Hey Soul Sister!  I am sooo excited to share this episode with one of my oldest friends and Huna Energy Practitioner Alicia Okobi.  Alicia is a POWERHOUSE master of energy and mindset and the Reframe Queen and drops massive truth bombs that will help you take the power back in your life and begin connecting with your Higher Self.  In this episode, Alicia and I discuss:

  • The crazy story of how we met and why we should NEVER actually be having this conversation (most people don't believe this is how we met)
  • How us meeting was one of the most influential things in both of our lives (and how we actually once hated each other lol)
  • How to use Huna energy work to connect more with your Higher Self and your Soul's path
  • How focusing on what you don't want is literally calling in that energy (and how to focus on the RIGHT things so that you can call those in instead)
  • How to become the Author of your Life and tell yourself a new story when your current one isn't serving you
  • How...
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