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Why REST is crucial for receiving $?

Hey Soul Sister!  I am soooo excited to introduce this new series on the pod called "Money Mondays"!  This series is intended to be a little different than our normal episodes, these will be shorter and jammed packed with high vibe info to give you ONE tangible tip you can start using TODAY to begin magnetizing more of that money into your life!  Today, we will be discussing:

  • What happens when you begin to believe that you CAN rest and still receive
  • How rest can help you activate Divine Feminine Receptivity, Guidance of the Universe, and Recovery
  • How to determine which of your bodies is calling for you to rest
  • How to actually figure out what is ONE thing you can do today.


I can't wait to see what goals you achieve as a result of this new series.  It's going to be EPIC so be sure to tune in weekly for more tips.

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