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Money Mondays - How to set your vibrational set point for the day

Rise with Rebekah
Money Mondays - How to set your vibrational set point for the day

Hey Soul Sister!  I am soooo excited to introduce this new series on the pod called "Money Mondays"!  This series is intended to be a little different than our normal episodes, these will be shorter and jammed packed with high vibe info to give you ONE tangible tip you can start using TODAY to begin magnetizing more of that money into your life!  Today, we will be discussing:

How to set your energetic set point for the day so that you can actually magnetize your desires Why it's important to set your vibrational set point on HIGH and what most people do instead Tangible tips to begin manifesting more of your desires A process you can start using TODAY to help you bring one of your desires to reality asap.

What you'll learn:

3:17 Why it is important to set your vibrational set point on high for the day

5:14 Helpful ways on how to set your vibrational set point daily

7:30 Gratitude practice and its importance

44:42 Gratitude journaling and how it can help

I can't wait...

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4 tips to LEVEL UP your productivity in tough times


Are you struggling to be as productive as you’d like right now? Are you having a hard time organizing your activities and figuring out exactly what you need to be doing to move the needle forward in your life?

In this video you'll learn the EXACT 4 steps that have helped me to go from a broke, struggling single mother to a successful entrepreneur living a life that I have designed.

  • “Make the commitment to yourself that you're going to get better everyday.”
  • Learn how to get clear on the ACTION STEPS you need to take in order to get to the next level with your productivity!
  • If you’ve struggled with not being as productive as you know you can be, this episode is for you. Follow these tips so you can finally reach the potential you KNOW deep down is available for you.
  • Watch the video to get the full training.

If you like this video, please SUBSCRIBE for weekly tips to help you LEVEL UP the areas of life that are most important to you.

Make sure to connect...

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