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Worthy vs. Willing

Do you believe that your worthiness determines your success in business?

Many of us struggle with feelings of unworthiness, thinking that we don't deserve success or abundance. This mindset can sabotage our progress and keep us from reaching our full potential.

In this episode, we'll explore the critical difference between worthiness and willingness and how shifting your focus can transform your life and business.


  • Why worthiness is not the key factor in your business success.
  • How willingness can propel you to new heights.
  • Real-life examples of overcoming worthiness issues.
  • Practical steps to embrace your willingness and unlock your potential.

Thank you for being here and sharing your feedback. Your worthiness is not in question; it's your willingness to act that makes the difference. Let's dive in!


Let’s connect!

Instagram: @risewithrebekah

Enter you Wildly Wealthy Woman era TODAY 



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Navigating Life's Pathways with Soulful Insights: Interview with Millena

mindset podcast Jan 17, 2024

Have you ever found yourself setting ambitious goals, only to realize that your current capacity can't accommodate the success you desire?


Many high-achieving women often express their desire for abundance, yet struggle with a common theme—their energetic alignment and strategic capacity aren't in sync. They may be unknowingly blocking the very success they seek. 


Imagine declaring your goals to the universe but lacking the time or energetic space to receive the abundance you desire. It's like buying new furniture to put into your living but not clearing out the old first. The disconnection between your desires and your capacity creates a significant roadblock in the way of your goals. The solution lies in aligning your energy and strategic approach to ensure you're not sending mixed signals to the universe.


In today’s episode, I’m joined by Millena, who’s not just our brand new community manager; she's a catalyst for exciting...

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