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Redefining Success: A Channeled Message on True Fulfillment

Have you ever felt like you’re doing everything society tells you to do, yet still feel unfulfilled?


Many of us are stuck in a cycle of striving for societal success, only to find out that it doesn't bring the happiness and fulfillment we expected. We hustle and grind, collecting achievements and material possessions, but inside, we feel empty.


What if the success you’re chasing is a lie?


Society has programmed us to believe that success is defined by external achievements—money, houses, cars, and status. But what happens when you reach those milestones and still feel miserable? It’s time to challenge this outdated paradigm and redefine success on our own terms.


In this episode you’ll learn:

How societal definitions of success may be trapping you in unfulfillment.

The importance of aligning with your soul’s purpose to achieve true success.

The role of your nervous system in embracing change and creating a new...

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Beyond Survival: Finding Safety in the Unfamiliar

Are you constantly on edge, waiting for something to go wrong? This episode dives deep into the root cause of this common anxiety—your nervous system. It's wired to scan for threats, but what if that instinct is keeping you from stepping into your best self?

 If you grew up in a traumatic environment, your body is conditioned to expect danger. Whether it's big T trauma or a series of little T events, your nervous system has been trained to stay in survival mode. And now, as an adult, that constant scanning for "the other shoe to drop" is holding you back from embracing your higher self and pursuing your dreams. To break free from this cycle, you must learn to regulate your nervous system and find safety in the unfamiliar. This episode offers practical guidance on how to do just that, guiding you through the journey of calming your body's survival instincts so you can take steps toward your goals without fear. 


In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Why your body...
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Breaking the Chains of Limiting Beliefs: Your Path to Financial Freedom

Ever felt like you're stuck in a cycle of hustle and grind, without much to show for it?

Many of us are trapped in a system that glorifies overworking and sacrifice, leaving us feeling drained and unfulfilled.

But what if there's a way out? What if you could break through the self-imposed limitations holding you back and create a life of abundance and fulfillment?

In this episode you’ll learn:

What a financial breakthrough truly means and why it's essential for your growth.

The societal conditioning that keeps us trapped in the hustle culture and how to break free.

Practical steps to start manifesting your desires and living a life of abundance.

The power of surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals and how it can accelerate your success.


Let’s connect!

Instagram: @risewithrebekah

Enter you Wildly Wealthy Woman era TODAY 

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Tapping into Intuition: Unraveling Dreams & Higher Self

Have you ever experienced a moment where following your intuition led to unexpected breakthroughs or insights?


Many high-achieving individuals struggle with slowing down and trusting their intuition, fearing it might lead to missed opportunities or setbacks.


But what if leaning into your intuition could actually accelerate your success? What if, by quieting your mind and listening to your inner guidance, you could unlock new levels of achievement and fulfillment?


In this episode you’ll learn:

The importance of slowing down and tuning into your intuition for guidance.

How focusing on lack and fear can attract more of the same into your life.

Practical tips for cultivating a deeper connection with your intuition and manifesting your desires.

Let’s connect!

Instagram: @risewithrebekah

Enter you Wildly Wealthy Woman era TODAY 

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Why it's important to CLEANSE your energy in order to manifest your financial desires (and exciting announcement!)

Hey Rebel Queen! I am excited to bring another Rebel Queen Channel LIVE to you this week! In this episode, we discuss:

  • Energy is everything
  • Most people do not practice energetic hygiene! It’s crazy to me
  • Letting anyone and any circumstance have access to you can drain your energy
  • You attract in life what you ARE an energetic match to
  • If you haven’t cleared out energy from the past - you’re not going to have room for what you want to bring in the future
  • Stagnant energy creates stagnant results
  • If you want to know if you need to clear your energy, take a look at your current circumstances
  • If you are stuck and feeling like you’re at a plateau, it’s time to cleanse and make room



To send me a DM on IG to let me know how this episode impacted you, click: HERE.


**NEW: To learn how to gain access to the ENITRE Rise to Riches Bundle for FREE, click: HERE.


See you next time.



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Recession, WHO? 3 Tangible Tips to continue building momentum in your business (despite the noise)

Hey Soul Sister! I am so excited to be sharing this brand new series I'm hosting inside of The Rebel Queen FB community each week - and I'll be sharing them here on the pod, too! Today's episode is all about creating the new wealth paradigm that is designed to bring wealth back into the hands of women who will use it for good (YOU). Today we discuss:

  • The 3 tangible tips to use to continue to build momentum in your business DESPITE all of the noise
  • How to combat the constant fear that is shoved down our throats from the mainstream media
  • Why it's important to understand that it's times like these that leaders are born
  • Why it's important for you to lead your tribe during these uncertain times
  • Why more millionaires are created in times like these historically than ever before
  • How to establish energetic boundaries so that you can create what you WANT in the world, and not what you don't want
  • How to stop FOCUSING on the negative
  • BONUS tip (this will change your life alone)



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